So, I felt it was finally time to get Mackenzie her first haircut. Her hair has grown out amazingly evenly, and it wasn't even a necessity at this point, but I thought getting it trimmed up would be good since it had never been cut in almost 3 years! And she is just all about getting pampered and being a princess, so I knew she'd
love it. Both sets of grandparents were in town for Keelyn's baby dedication (post on that to come.....) so I enlisted both grandmas to come along, leaving the little one with the granddads. She had a blast at a little hair salon for kids. And I got a nice little keepsake of her little blond locks :) (Oh - and I took a lot of pictures......)
Our little priss waiting on her turn at the salon

Fixin' Belle's hair in the waiting area :)

Ready to go in her firetruck seat

First snips......

Love this - watching her hair get braided!

All done, getting jewels added to her braid!

We were quite the paparazzi! I love this picture - you can see Granmommy in the mirror taking a picture of Meemi with her camera and me holding mine!

With her hairdresser :)

With Meemi & Granmommy

Ta Da!! Love that little hand flip she did in this pic!