Hello World!
So, life sure has been busy for my family & me. Apparently, mommy & I completely missed my seven month post, so here's the two month update for you!
I'm still not crawling, but sometimes can get up on all fours. But frankly, I just would rather be held! I do
not like being on the floor! Really, my main thing is to work more on standing up. I LOVE to try and stand up, grabbing onto mommy's (or other's) hands and pull myself up to standing. Then, I'm happy as can be as I stand and dance a little and try moving my legs. Mommy has said she wonders if I'll be one of

those babies that skip the whole crawling thing. We'll see....... And even now, when I am held in your lap, I don't want to sit down. I want to be held, but be able to stand in your lap!
I've learned to shake my head back & forth, like I'm saying "no". I do it just for fun it seems, not for any real meaning :) I'm cooing alot, with 'da-da-da' and 'ba-ba-ba' mostly and still my favorite - high pitched sqeals and squawks! Sometimes I even like to try and sing along with you while doing my own little yell!

I developed a serious strong attraction to my mommy around the 5th month of my life. I did NOT like anyone else to hold me. ANYONE! Not even daddy! (Mommy said I was wearing her out, but last time I checked, isn't that her job??? To take care of me????) Well, over the past couple of weeks, I'm getting much more laid back in this arena. I still really prefer my mommy, but others are okay too. However, I really only let others hold me if mommy is out of sight/sound! If I can see her/hear her, you better give me to her! But still, progress! As long as mommy is not nearby or gone, I do just fine!

Other big news, is that I'm now taking bottles and have switched over to formula! Mommy never thought she'd see the day that I started taking bottles :) Around 6 months, I started taking pumped bottles from daddy, babysitters, etc (not mommy). Around 7 1/2 months, the doctor really wanted me to start taking formula b/c I just wasn't gaining weight well anymore (off the charts.....) and mommy came home and just made a bottle to see how it went & I just took it! WOW! From then, she started weaning me, and I'm now pretty much on formula, but gaining weight better. She's discovered that I'm a bit of a lazy eater. I only take 2-3 ounces from a lot of my feedings and push it away and wouldn't seem to care if I was totally done (probably what I did while breastfeeding, but no one knew since I seemed satisfied!). But now that she can see how little I've had, she waits 15 or so minutes and tries again and I take one or two more ounces. So. looks like now, I'll be able to start gaining some weight!
Mommy says I'm really at a fun stage - her favorite yet! Not yet crawling, but very interactive and fun to play with......but without all the busy-ness of a moving baby! I love my sister, and find her so funny. I'm on a more predictable schedule with two naps & sleeping through the night about 10, sometimes 11 hours! Good times :)

Well, that's about it for now!