Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cheap Fun that Never Fails

I think every child enjoys a good empty box as much as (or more than!) any expensive toy on the market.  My children are no exception!   And I love the way that Keelyn is watching her big sissy - always studying her so she can be just like her!

Our Little Fish

Last summer, Mackenzie was a bit hesitant to learn how to swim.  We had to quit the mommy & me lessons because she was crying, Keelyn was crying, and I wanted to cry!  But by the end of the summer, she was doing so good just by being in the water more.  So, I got smart this year and started swim classes in February.  And they were NOT mommy & me!  I figured by the time summer came around she'd be doing well and enjoy swimming all summer and not just at the end of the summer after she warmed up to it. 

Well, my plan worked!  Her swim coach pushed her (more than she'd have let me push her!).  And this summer she is turning into quite a little fish!  She LOVES the pool!!  Here are some pictures from her swim classes:

Our Tiny Dancer

At the end of the school year, we got to have another parent's day at ballet class.  For this age, they don't do a recital but just practice their dances to show us during parent's day.  It is so fun to see how much they've grown in the half year since their parent's day in December.  This may be our last little dance performance for a little while, she has requested gymnastics for the fall :)  But I hope she comes back to dance again!

Posing before we leave for the "show"

Mackenz & her bud, Mady Kay chatting while waiting their turn.  Reminds me of times I'd get in trouble for talking during gymnastics practice!

Taking it all in while eating a lollipop, probably hoping to get her chance soon!

Mackenz and all her buds showing us how they can tap!

I love this little half smile when she sees us, trying hard not to smile!

Tap dance was to the 'Under the Sea' song :)

Posing with her dance teacher

Aunt Natalie came for the show!

Mackenz & her 3 ballet buddies

Our sweet Keelyn & her Aunt Natalie

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bunnies, Princesses, & Posin'

A while back (because, you know, I'm way behind on here.....) we were outside, 2 out of 3 of us dressed like princesses, and admiring the beautiful flowers growing outside by our side patio, when I spotted a cute little bunny.  We have A LOT of them around here.  And he let me get rather close to him I thought.......  It will be interesting to see whether our love of the cute creatures turns to hate if they eat all of our tomatoes and other fine fruits and veggies from our garden.......

The bunny

The princesses

And one that actually wanted to pose for me!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Time Snackin'

We've been enjoying a favorite summer treat lately - popsicles!  And mommy has enjoyed making them a little bit more healthy by making her own out of real fruit smoothies that have kale blended up and frozen inside - not that she's telling the kids that!  Such a fun way to sneak in some fruit and veggies!

Round #2

Well, it seems baby girl #2 in our house has discovered dressing up.  Good thing I love this stage!  Every day (actually every hour probably!) is a reason in itself to change into something fancy for our big girl, and now little girl is starting to follow suit.  At first, she just started letting me put the dresses on her when big sis said she thought sissy wanted to dress up too.  Now, little sis comes asking me to 'dess'?!?  And when I say yes, she runs off with a smile and goes to pick out a 'dess'.  Sometimes it's an actual dress up dress, but quite often it is anything that her sister wears (often recovered from sissy's hamper!).  And by anything, it could possibly even be her undies!

Here are the two sissies working on some outside art and scooter ridin' in their finest attire! 

Last Trip to the Mountain Property

A couple months ago, we sold our mountain property that we have owned since before kids.  Well, as you can imagine, we haven't exactly used the land much since having kids.  It was a beautiful piece of property on a small river that we had thought we might build on some day, but in the meantime we could go up and swim, camp, etc.  But that just didn't happen much with the kids.  So, we decided to part ways with the land and put the money to use on the property we actually use all the time - our house :)  Since there are so many things we still want to do to the house, it has helped get a few more projects underway. 

But anyways, a few months ago we spent a Saturday up at the mountain property one last time before we sold it.  And it almost made us regret selling it because the girls had a FABULOUS time.  They waded in the water with daddy, and then, our extremely cautious girl just decided she was done with wading and wanted to swim, so she stripped down and did just that!  It was so cute - she was in heaven.  We'll have to find some other land that we can use so she let her outdoor adventure spirit run free from time to time :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012


At preschool one day, the parents were all waiting in the hallway for the door to open and send the kiddos out.  But this particular day, the teacher came out and told us that a bunch of butterflies would be coming out.  They had made these cute butterfly wings as their craft that day.  And BOY did Mackenzie like this new dress up outfit.  I think she wore it just about every day for at least a week!

They Just Keep on Growin'

Some pictures from a fun spring dinner with our community group friends......I just love watching all these kiddos grow up with my own :)

Had to go get Keelyn and add her to the mix!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

18 Months Old

Hello World!

I'm now 18 months old (well at the time of these pictures anyways!).  Mommy can't believe that I'm already a year and a half old.  But as sad as she might be that I'm getting older fast, she's equally or more excited about the little fun person I'm becoming.

I'm still a little peanut.  She thought I'd take after my sissy and eventually get back on that weight chart.  Not so much.  Still underweight, but I think they've just accepted that's me b/c no one is worried about.  Mommy checked her weight at 18 months at we were only a few ounces different.  So, it must be in the genes!  I am, after all, taking after mommy a good bit!

I talk A LOT.  Well,  actually I should say that I have a lot of words.  More than sissy did at this age - but we're pretty sure that's b/c I hear her talk all. day. long!   Mommy counted and I have close to 100 words.  At my 18 month check up, they asked if I had between 7-10 words.  Mommy said, yes, closer to 100, but at least 7-10!

And I LOVE to sing.  I know the whole songs of ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Row Row Row Your Boat, and I'm learning quite a few others.  Daddy thinks while Mackenzie may be our performer/artist, I may follow in his singer/songwriter footsteps.  Music has always just been so soothing to me (like it is to him).  Mommy keeps saying she needs to sign me up for a music class - she needs to get on that!

I am still a pretty independent kid.  I like to do my own thing and don't need a lot of attention.  This is new to mommy & daddy (sissy likes a lot of attention!).  Lately, mommy has found me wondering back into my room alone, climbing into my rocking chair and "reading" my favorite books all by myself until someone comes and finds me!

I continue to be pretty laid back, but I am starting to show my spirited side.  And when I get mad, I have got some lungs on me (as noticed by some employees at Micheals and Kroger on one particular errand outing!).  It looks like I'm laid back, but no push over :) 

And lastly, I still think my sissy is the best thing EVER.  She is soooo cool!  I want to be just like her.  I try to dance like her, put on her shoes and clothes, dress up with her, follow her around with my babies and strollers.  We have so much fun together.  Mommy says it makes having us close together so worth it!  Sissy seems to enjoy having a little sidekick (most of the time) and I like being that sidekick.  We're quite a team!

 Until next time!
-Little Key (Daddy's current name for me!)

Spring Time Fun

This spring/summer are turning out to be a lot of fun.  It is just SO much easier to have a 1.5 and 3.5 year old than a 1/2 and 2.5 year old like I did last spring/summer.  For starters, just taking them into our front yard & driveway to play is actually fun.  Considering last year, one was not walking, there was limited fun for hanging out outside.  Now, we love to spend some time outdoors.  The girls have really been enjoying their sidewalk chalk art.  And I can just sit back and relax (or take pictures!).  And, okay, dispel the occasional sibling dispute!

We had fun painting her toes alternating blue & purple :)

Keelyn sat in her drawing at some point :)  Love it!

This Kid Cracks Me Up

Today, Mackenzie said after a fun day at the pool, "Mommy, you're my extra special girl!".  Thanks kid!  And here's a few funny faces when I was trying to get a smile out of her recently.....disappointed not to get a smile at first, but now thinking how much funnier these are to look back at!

One of her sissy who hasn't figured out how to make funny faces.....yet.....

Catchin' Up

Well, I'm really not sure how over a month goes by without posting.....time just moves quicker and quicker all the time!  I'll start by posting some of our family pictures we had taken a month or so ago.  They turned out pretty good.  Though my happy picture of BOTH of my girls was elusive as always......

This little one is growing up too fast!

I think they look SOOO much alike in this picture!

Classic.  What else can you say!?!?