There are so many things I just love learning every day about my little one year old. I love this age when their little personalities are just blooming! And her little personality is so sweet - I could just eat her up! A couple things we're learning about her:
1. This girl is an outside girl. She LOVES to go outside. If you're going outside, you better take her with you or expect a meltdown to occur! She says, 'ow-side' (or simply 'side' for short) many, many times a day. It's so nice that the winter is so mild this year so she can actually go 'side' so much - and even with out a coat on many days :)

2. She loves her sissy. OH how she loves her. When we get her up in the morning, she almost immediately starts asking 'Sissy?, Sissy?'. (Mackenz is a better sleeper, so I always have to tell her she's still sleeping!). But when she hears Sissy on the monitor, it starts up again...."Sissy! Sissy!" and is so excited to greet her. She also asks for her immediately upon waking from her nap. I just love it. And on days when Mackenz is at school and Keelyn is with me, when I'm ready to go, I just say, "Let's go get Sissy" and Keelyn excitedly heads for the door (of course, saying 'Sissy! Sissy!'). I just LOVE it.

3. She can SING! A couple weeks ago, she started singing something that sounded like the ABC's. Something like "A, B, E, E, E, Eh, G". But it was to the right tune, more or less. I got Brannon to listen too and he was impressed. I still thought it was something only a mother/father could interpret. Wrong! I picked her up last week from MOPS and the teachers asked me if I taught her to sing the ABCs?? They said she kept singing it! I said, I sing it to her some and she has some toys that play it, but I hadn't purposely taught it to her. She's gonna be a musical girl, I think! She now tries to sing all the way to 'P'. Love it. Need to get it on video, but knowing my children's camera shyness, it may or may not happen! (Here she is listening intently to a Valentines card that sang a princess song!)