Sunday, May 6, 2012
Sisters Forever

Saturday, May 5, 2012
Serious Little Artist
This kid really likes to do artwork. Every day, and for a good little while she'll sit there and paint, draw, cut, paste, etc...... Can't wait to see where these little creative inclinations take her in the coming years! On this particular day, she was in a princess dress (well that part is every day!) and I told her she needed to change so we didn't mess up her princess dress, so she just stripped and did her art in her underwear!
Oh - and a funny random quote from Mackenzie regarding her creative skills..... I told her, "You are such a good little artist" as she finished up a picture and handed it to me. She replied with, "I know.". Like no big deal! Love her natural confidence!!! Oh to be three and so sure of yourself :)
Oh - and a funny random quote from Mackenzie regarding her creative skills..... I told her, "You are such a good little artist" as she finished up a picture and handed it to me. She replied with, "I know.". Like no big deal! Love her natural confidence!!! Oh to be three and so sure of yourself :)
I love this hand gesture while she's describing her picture!
Getting good at scissors :) Such a big girl.....
Tea for Two (or Three)
Mackenzie has been back on a tea party kick. Princesses and tea parties go hand in hand I guess. When you are dressed up like a princess, what else to do but pour some tea (or water, as the case may be). On this particular day, Cinderella was hosting the tea and her little sister and I were invited to participate!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
4 Whole People Ago.....
We had dinner recently with our good friends that we met during law school. Brannon & Brian took almost all their classes together and we were pretty inseparable during those days. We took a law school graduation trip to Mexico with them and had an awesome time. So, at dinner we were reminiscing on how long it had been since that trip, and we realized it had been almost five years ago. We almost couldn't believe it had been that long, but then I said, well, it was 4 whole people ago! We have added 4 humans to the world since that trip - doubled our footprint. Wow. And now three out of four of them can sit at a table and feed themselves, HA!
Pickin' Strawberries
A couple weeks ago, we went with some friends to a local strawberry farm to pick some for ourselves. It was a lot of fun. And we got a TON of strawberries. I planned on getting two of the small baskets since Keelyn would want to hold one of her own also. But then, since both of Mackenzie's friends that were there have baby brothers (too young for picking), their mommy's got them the big basket since they'd only pick one basket for the family. Well, then Mackenzie had to have the big basket too. SO we picked a big basket and a small basket. A LOT of strawberries. But it was worth it - so yummy and we froze a lot of them too! Think this needs to be an annual outing for the McKay girls.
The strawberry fields - it was a beautiful day and not too crowded
Mackenzie and her buddies ready to go!
Mackenzie getting a good one!
Keelyn did pretty good, other than occasionally trying to eat
while picking (which you're not supposed to do!)
Good mommy & daughters shot!
17 Months Old
This little cutie pie is growing up way to fast for me these days! I caught a few cute pictures of her at 17 months trying to diaper a stuffed animal. She wants to do Every. Thing. Sissy. Does!
Diapering your stuffed horse baby doll is serious business!
Caught me watching her :) (I think she looks like mommy here!)
Hammin' it up for the camera! CHEESE!!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Mommy in Training
Mackenzie has taken a little while to really get into dolls, as compared to some of her friends (dress up is really where she excels!). But every now and then, she really has started to enjoy playing mommy to her babies. The other day while Keelyn took a nap, she & I decided to get out her Baby Alive doll that you could feed and I had so much fun watching (and snapping pictures!) her feed the baby doll. We haven't done it in a while, and her pretend play has improved alot since then! So fun :)
Here she is explaining something to me - love the hand gesture!
Easter Bunny Pics

Snuggly Sleepy Sisters
I took this picture a couple weeks ago, and as I looked at it tonight while trying to catch up on my blog, it made me think of a quote I heard once, "The days are long, but the years are short" when describing raising children. The days can be pretty long when spent with a one & three year old, but boy do the years fly by when you look back. I hope I remember how much fun it was to have mornings like this where we didn't have anywhere to be so my little one could stay in her pajamas (although I'm pretty sure she's removing her socks in the picture because she wants to put on shoes!) and so my other one can pick out whatever outfit she wants as soon as she climbs out of bed (because princesses don't wear pajamas apparently!). So thankful for these two sleepy bed head sisters!
Easter Egg Hunt
We spent Easter lunch with our community group friends and had a little Easter egg hunt in their backyard. It was fun to actually 'hide' the eggs a bit more than the big Easter egg hunt at the park where it is just a bunch of eggs scattered all over the ground. Mackenzie did VERY well hunting - that girl is on a mission when there is candy in eggs all over the backyard! Keelyn, once again, picked up about one or two and was satisfied - and immediately wanted to open and eat her prizes!
M is ready to hunt!
Found one!
Can she reach?!?
Keelyn found one, and is done hunting, ready to eat!
Cutie pie, basket half as big as she is!
Halfway decent family shot :)
All Dressed Up
A few pictures from church with everyone in their Easter dresses. My children were of course, not in the mood for pictures......but we got a couple decent ones :)
Sweet big sister trying to help sissy turn her head for the camera!
The sippy cup helps! Showing off their dresses Granmommy made :)
Mackenz & her buds!
Catchin' Up & Easter Baskets
Okay, this blog thing is a lot like exercising.....if you're in the habit of posting every day, you keep on doing it. Stop it for a day or two, then suddenly it's a week, then weeks, since you've posted! Trying to get back on track tonight....... Here's some of our Easter pics. We woke up on Easter, and the girls had to find their Easter baskets left by the Easter bunny (a McKay tradition to actually hide them! Although, this year, they were just barely hidden :)).
Keelyn finding hers!
Showing off a new hair accessory left in an egg!
Trying out her first Peep
Found it!!
Keelyn finding hers!
Showing off a new hair accessory left in an egg!
Trying out her first Peep
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