Hello World!
Keelyn here. Mom said she better let me go ahead and write my monthly update because I'm already 5 1/2
months & I'll be 6 months before she knows it! I've been having a pretty eventful month. I finally started rolling over consistently from my back to my tummy. I started doing it in my crib just before I was 5 months old, but that was the only time I did it so she couldn't see it. Then, about 5 months &

a week, I started doing it on my playmat & doing it enough that she could video it (I'll get her to put that on here at some point, but she's slow these days!). I did have one day of doing two rolls from tummy back to my back, but haven't done it since. Apparently, my big sissy did this over a month before me. But I don't care, I just prefer to be held than to move myself!
Another big milestone this month, I started getting my
first teeth. My first bottom tooth started breaking

through right after I turned 5 months & my
second bottom tooth is starting to come through starting yesterday. This I'm doing a lot earlier than my sissy. She didn't get her first tooth until she was almost 10 months! We're so different mommy says!
I'm doing a little better with my sleeping. I'm pretty
stubborn about the whole situation though mommy says! She decided while my sister was at grandparents' camp that she'd have more energy and could handle having me cry it out a bit at night since I made it about
half the time til 6 or 7am and half the time I woke up at 4:30-5am. So, she decided after my late night (around 11 or 11:30 pm) feeding that she wouldn't feed me until 6am. So, if I woke up at 4:45am,

she'd let me cry. I was pretty determined. She would come in and roll me back to my back, pat my back, then go back to her room & I'd keep on crying. It took a good 30 minutes. Then, I slept. Then, the next night I slept all the way until 7:30am. She thought we were making headway, but I'm still pretty inconsistent. Some morning 5am. Some morning 7am. And now that I'm teething, that's probably making it even harder. She still tries to wait until 6am to get me, but if I get too mad, she comes to get me. I'm still in control of the situation!

The other fun thing this month is that I am really taking notice of my sister & starting to enjoy her and not be slightly nervous around her. Ever since she came back from grandparents' camp, I've just liked watching her more & more. My biggest belly laughs have come from watching her dance and talk to me. She is fun! I can tell she's gonna keep me quite entertained in the coming months/years!!
Well, I guess that's about it for now!
Keelyn :)