I can't believe it has been over a week since I updated the ol' blog.... It is really hard to get time to do this. Surprisingly, life with two in some ways is getting easier, but having time to do stuff for me is just as hard or harder. Mainly because my big girl seemsto be starting to fade out of needing a nap (MAJOR bummer, but she

is over 2 1/2.....). She is just not that tired until around 3:00 these days. If we were an earlier to bed family (she goes to bed around 9pm still mainly because that way she has more time with her daddy) she could go with out, but a day or two without a nap is a nightmare tantrum waiting to happen! So, by the time Mackenzie goes to rest time / nap, I feed Keelyn, maybe grab a snack for myself and try to clean something. Then, it's time to lay Keelyn down for a nap & by the time she's asleep it's time to think about starting dinner before Mackenzie gets right back up..... And there goes my only time without at least one little girl taking up my time. I guess that's just the state of my life right now. But it's hard. And I miss my updated blog..... I have all these fun blogs floating around my head during the day & then if I get a chance to blog, all I have the energy to write is just a recap of our events. Oh well. Maybe one day.....
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