Still sorting through photos from last month, and wanted to include these on the blog. There's not a lot to tell, so hope it's not too boring for everyone, but I want to include these on here because one day (when I have time.....when will that be, BTW???) I want to print this all out :) So here's a few shots from one of our last playtimes in the "red house" (as we called it). I guess one fun thing to notice about this playtime photo shoot is you may notice that Mackenzie is wearing two dresses! She was wearing one from what I put on her that morning. That afternoon, she went and pulled out the second dress from her dirty clothes hamper. She brought it to me to change, and I didn't really want to change her, much less into yesterday's dirty dress. So, she decided to put it on herself since I wouldn't help. And she did. I did help her tie the bows after she put it on because at that point, who cares?!?! I thought it was pretty funny. She really does have a STRONG opinion about her clothes and she felt very strongly at that moment that she needed to be in the blue/green turtle dress...... Life is never boring with a 2 (almost 3!) year old :)
A little building with blocks
Keelyn playing in her typical way - toy in mouth.
Mackenzie was serenading us with her singing into the microphone.
Keelyn's turn with the microphone.....and into the mouth it goes!
Skylar trying to join in on the fun
Our budding musician - this time playing her recorder
Pure joy! I love that it takes so little to bring this much joy to her face. A recorder & some company :) That's it. Being a toddler must be great.
Happy baby
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