So, some updates......in bullet form because otherwise, they are probably just too random and all over the place to form paragraphs!
- Keelyn is now almost 11 months old! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!?!?!? She's really at a fun
age. The past couple months have shown an increased inde- pendence from mommy, though she's still a mommy's girl at heart! She plays well by herself, which I LOVE (her sister still struggles with this!). And she is overall turning out to be the lower key, more content second child this household desperately needed to be the yin to her sister's yang!
- Mackenzie is three (I need to post about her party.....probably next month, HA!). Again.....HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!?!? But seriously, she turned three and suddenly
seemed so much older to me. She speaks so clearly (& SO much!). She'll chat it up with complete strangers in the grocery store line. She loves to sing, serenading her church nursery workers with the "Ariel Song" (AKA "Part of that World") multiple times in a sessions and knows almost every single word to that long song. I just love her so much and enjoy the little person she's becoming.
- We're settling in to our house, slowly but surely. It's a work in progress, but we are really happy where we are. And, though we have plenty of naysayers, we plan to be in this house for the long haul!
- We had our 3 year well check & 10 month weigh
check on the same day a few weeks back. Amazingly, Mackenzie had not been to the doctor since her 2 year well visit. What a blessed year we had health-wise. She passed her visit with flying colors :) She is now 29 lbs and 35 1/4 inches tall. That would be about the 10% for height and 25% for weight. I think that's the shortest % we've seen so far......so probably starting to break away into the "short" category like many o' relative of hers! Keelyn weighed in at a whopping 15lbs. Still not on the charts, but has definitely put on some good weight on formula & the doctor was pleased, so we get to skip the 11 month weight check and see them again at 1 year.
You are not lame! You're busy! Love reading updates from you!