I wanted to record some things about Keelyn at 14 months - poor second child just doesn't get her life documented quite as well as #1! But I'm trying....in bullet form as the pop in my mind!
- She is a peanut. At one year, she only weighed 15 lbs, 13 oz. Which is not on the charts, if you're counting! But she is healthy, a pretty good eater, so everyone is pleased.
- She is really picking up some words - I'm wondering if we'll have another talker! She can say mama, dada, sissy, doggie, all done, thanks (tay), hi, bye bye, cheese, and baby. There may be a couple more, but that's all I can think of right now.
- She is such an easy kid overall. We came up with a great nickname for her a couple days ago - "Even Keel". And she is just so content, plays by herself alot, and is just so easy going. However, as she's getting a little older, she is starting to assert herself when she doesn't get her way! Ah.....round two of tantrums, not sure I'm ready for another round!
- She loves baby dolls! So much more than her sister ever has. In fact, Mackenzie has upped her interest in dolls when Keelyn started playing with them! She also loves playing outside - if someone goes out with out her, she starts going "uh-uh-uh" at the window and sometimes throws a mini-tantrum to go out too! And of course, she LOVES her sissy!
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