So, tomorrow, Mackenzie will be 3 1/2 years old. I can't believe it. I feel like she JUST turned three. And just that quickly she'll be four. I so, so, SO wish I could slow down the clock and keep her at this age. I remember when I first had her, and I started my MOPS group....I thought the 3 & 4 year olds were SO big, and now, here I am with my own......time has gone so fast.
This year has been a good year for me. I'd heard many folks say that 3 was harder than 2. Not for us. Maybe it has something to do with adding another sibling to our family when she was two. So, her three's have been much easier by comparison!
I just love watching her grow. Her friendships, which at one point were just MY friends kids, are definitely her own these days! They have little conversations, and they play pretend together. One of my friends said the other day that we have arrived - b/c when we got to their house, the two big girls went upstairs to the playroom and were having a little tea party - one was the mommy & one the daughter. When she checked on them, they were totally okay and playing together.
She's still strong-willed, but is learning how to obey and get along in our family. And our little chatterbox still prefers (strongly prefers) some company to play with, but she is learning to spend some time playing by herself as well. And when that doesn't work, her little sister is learning to be a playmate and that is so fun to see!

We're learning that she is a very cautious child. If you tell her something is dangerous, she seems to heed that warning. I enjoy it in the parking lot - that kid WANTS to hold your hand around cars :) But, we've had some trouble getting her to try new things. Swimming last summer was rough, so we've started lessons early this year to be ready for summer. She's doing SO well after 6 lessons (especially considering the entire first lesson was spent in tears!). And recently, she finally decided to make me take off the handle from her trike so she could do it herself.
She's such a girly girl. THis is so funny to me. I mean, I'm sort of girly I guess, but not totally that way. But this kid, she doesn't want to wear ANYTHING but dresses! And preferably pink, floral, or with ruffles! She loves hair accessories, shoes, jewelry, you name it! If it's girly, she likes it :) Can't wait to see if this is a phase or permanent. If it's not a phase, she might be our expensive child!
Mackenzie - we love you & can't wait to see how you continue to grow this year :) You are so much fun & I can't imagine my life without you!!!