Raising girls in today's culture, I must admit is a scary thing to think about. There are just too many pressures about body image and what we should or should not look like. I've heard that now girls in early elementary school are 'dieting'. That is so sad that they already think they need to change themselves when they are still so young. One song that I love that speaks about this issue, is "More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz. The lyrics are great, and to generalize, they speak to the fact God made us with a purpose & there could never be a more beautiful version of us because he made us exactly as we are for that purpose. Every time I've heard this song the past couple years, I think of my daughter(s) and pray that they will not buy into what the world tells them about themselves, but they will know the truth that they are beautiful and made with a purpose.
Well, this past week or two, Mackenzie has started singing along with some of the radio songs on Christian radio that we listen to in the car. And this past week, this song came on & I could hear my little three year old singing,
"There could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies disguises and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you"
I know she messed up a fair share of the words, and it will be a long time before she understands those words she was singing, but I pray that the message she hears over time sinks in and that she knows she IS beautiful.
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