This weekend, my parents came up to help celebrate Mackenzie's birthday. Unfortunately, her daddy had to be out of town (one of his good friends is getting married soon & this was his bachelor party weekend......). So, Granmommy & Grandaddy stepped up to the plate to make sure her birthday weekend was a good one!
We woke up on her birthday & I made her a special little breakfast - a chocolate chip pancake with a '2' made out of chocolate chips. She enjoyed that little treat! Then, we decided to go to the GT opening game (her first!) since the weather had cooled down. It wasn't sold out, so we figured we could just get tickets when we got there. Well, apparently, a lot of fans thought the same thing....... It wasn't sold out & we could get tickets, but the scalpers were all out & the line for the ticket office was LONG. But, we'd come a long way (parked clear across campus) and didn't give up that easily. Grandaddy stood in line while the girls chilled out in the shade.
We were rather high up (don't think I've ever sat

that high!) and didn't get in until the middle of the 2nd quarter! (We got there right at kickoff, but the ticket getting took that long!) It was a good game & she held up very well. I think her favorite part of the game was getting to drink a lot of my diet coke! Grandaddy was in heaven I think. Tech won. His granddaughter went with him to a game. Heaven. (Well, heavenly with the exception of a long ticket & food line).
Her daddy was a little sad he didn't get to take her to her first game. But I had to laugh when we called him to tell him about it. Here's an outtake of our conversation:
Me: She had a great time!
B: Did she see the cheerleaders?
Me: Well, we were really up too high to see them!
B: Did she like the band?
Me: Well, we had to stand in line for food the ENTIRE time during halftime.
B: But she liked it?
Me: Yeah - especially the diet coke. But apparently, you still have plenty of things to show her for the first time at her next game!
Here's a few more pics from the big day: