Turns out, he was right. After the first night, where she didn't want us to leave her & seemed super excited to be in the bed, it took a long time to get her to sleep. Then, the first nap, with the light in the room, she got out a few times, and I had to go put her back in immediately (thank goodness for the video cam!). After almost 2 hours of playing in her bed, I went up and put her in her crib (which we hadn't taken down yet in case this didn't work out!). She was SOOOO upset about not getting to sleep in her big girl bed, it turned out to be a nice punishment. And the next time or two, she had trouble falling asleep/getting out of bed, I would threaten to put
her back in the crib. It did the trick. She LOVES her big girl bed (as she even calls it, which is really cute!). Rarely gets out of it. Plays for 30 minutes or so after naps & in the mornings. It has been a really easy transition. I had to tell Brannon he was right :)
Here's a couple pictures, it took me a while to take some - had to wait til her new bedding arrived & then I just never had a camera in her room at nap/bed time. But alas, I finally got some. Enjoy :) The big girl in her bed.
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