It's so funny how in one year, kids become so aware of the whole gift opening process! I love watching her open her presents :) After our big, tiring, day at the game (and somehow she did NOT fall asleep on the way home, go figure!) we had dinner & then opened up Granmommy's & Grandaddy's birthday gifts. One of her favorite "gifts" was the singing card they gave her - it was as good as the gifts! Then, another gift was a dress up outfit - a little tulip fairy dress! She wanted to put it right on and proceeded to open the remaining gifts in costume! Too cute. And her big gift from mommy & daddy was her very own tricycle (one with a push handle b/c she definitely can't quite pedal yet with those short legs!) We opened that before Daddy went out of town & she proceeded to ask us to "PUSH??" (Or tell us to "PUSH!!!!" in a bossy tone!) for the whole weekend!! A good birthday for sure (and we still have the party to come.....)
LOVE this expression when she realizes it's singing to her!
"I know how this present thing works now!"
I love this face!!!
What a big girl on her bike!!
Kind-of reminds me of her daddy - seems like I remember him getting some ski pants for Christmas one year, and just putting them on on top of whatever he had on that morning before opening more presents! Funny!