Last week, Mackenzie started a new school in our new area of town, and I am really happy with it so far. And it was much needed after a few weeks off! Plus, they do something here that her old school didn't do - school pictures! And we made it just in time, as the picture week was her first week of school. I got her appointment time, dressed her all up in a cute outfit and went with her to try and get a smile out of her. No such luck! She had a perplexed look the entire time, which kind of looks like an angry face! Oh well! According to the photographer - all the two year olds have that type of face! At least we're in the norm!
Soooo......when we got home from school, I decided to take a few pictures of my own on our front stoop since she looked so cute & who knows what those other ones will look like!
"Cheese!" I got her to smile with a promise of an oreo...... Of course, she was closing her eyes & her dress got disheveled!
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