So, Mackenzie has been SOOO excited about having a baby sister. Our early main concern was TOO much loving inflicted upon Keelyn - like hugging her too tightly, hugging her/laying on her, wanting to hold her ALL by herself, not wanting to give her back after holding her, etc...... But, I'm glad that seems to be the biggest concern most days between the two. Mackenzie frequently tells me that "baby Keelyn" is her friend (or fwend) and her buddy. I hope that friendship grows & grows. She has had some jealousy issues, but tends to show itself in a larger number of tantrums per day. I think she doesn't know how to express her frustration at the change in the amount of attention she gets, so she cries/whines/throws a tantrum at the drop of a hat. We're getting through it and I think its getting better as we all get more & more used to being a family of four. Here's a few pictures from the first week at home with these sweet little sisters:
She LOVES to hold her baby sister
I love this picture of these two. It looks like my fair skinned & tan skinned children! Their complexions are different, but Keelyn had a bit of jaundice so it's exaggerated here!

Checking out her new baby sister
She loves to kiss Keelyn!
These pictures are soooo precious. You guys are so blessed.