Since I'm writing these blogs from quite a long back log now, it's harder to remember how exactly I was feeling. I remember that I was overwhelmed with the added responsibility & dreading having my parents leave.... It was so great to have the help with Mackenzie so I could focus on Keelyn, but I was also most sad about my missed time with Mackenzie. She had been my #1 buddy for the past two years, we spent almost all day every day together, and I knew she was missing that time with me & I was missing her. Slowly, we started getting our groove back and adjusting to our new normal, and that new normal will be better than the old.
The other interesting thing about bringing home your second baby (especially if they are both the same sex!) is that you get to see how different the two children are (I was informed of how they would be so different on many occasions, but seeing it for yourself is a whole 'nother

thing!). I think I always attributed some of Mackenzie's behavior/schedule/preferences to my parenting. She always slept great - well, I thought that had something to do with my swaddling her right from the start and being consistent with having her nap in her crib, etc. I'm
learning that she was just a good sleeper. Keelyn did NOT like the bassinet from day one. Has not taken a nap in her crib at all really. Doesn't seem to like being swaddled. And so, she's been sleeping in her vibrating bouncy seat (or our bed). She's definitely a different baby. And the most shocking discovery so far......she doesn't seem to like her pacifier. She took it a little that first week, but it's been downhill from there...... I think she's gonna be a little different that her sister, and it's gonna be fun to see how her personality becomes her own! Our little dark haired wonder :)
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