Sorry I haven't officially introduced myself on the blog yet, Mommy is quite busy (I don't know what she's busy doing???) and just now let me have the chance to write my own blog. She says my big sister used to write them to document how she was growing at each month. So, I think I'll do the same.
I'm now 2 months old & getting more used to this crazy world I was brought into....initially against my will, but I'm kind of diggin' it these days! I've started really enjoying my bath time, and now it even is the main thing that soothes me late in the evening. Although I always cry when they take me out of the bath! (alot.....what can I say, it's COLD when I get out!).

I've started smiling alot. My first social smiles were happening around 6 weeks, but I didn't do it too much yet. By the time I was two months, I was smiling a good bit more. And now, we've even caught some on the camera.
Mommy has nicknamed me her princess & the pea. Something about a story about a princess that was so particular, she could feel a pea through a ton of mattresses. Mommy says I am particular like if I'm comfy in one position while you're holding me, if you change it ever so slightly, I will not like it! But what's wrong with that?? I'm just a girl who knows what I like :)
She also thinks I'm funny about sleeping at night. Some nights I'll sleep 7-8 hours, even threw a 9 hour stretch in there for good measure recently. BUT I can easily wake up after 4-5 hours of sleep. Very unpredictable, I am! I just like to keep that Mommy of mine guessing! She thinks it's good that I sleep for long stretches sometimes & she thinks they are happening more and more.....with less of the 3am/4am variety. It just baffles her a bit, she calls me a sporadic sleeper. She says my big sister just kept incrementing, very little backtracking. Again, fun to keep her on her toes!!
Mommy says I wasn't the happiest camper for a few weeks due to some acid reflux, colic, etc.....She thinks she & Daddy just don't have easy babies. But they say I don't cry as loud as my big sister & that I've really started to be a much happier baby thanks to getting older & getting on some meds! Now, I'm pretty content unless I'm hungry or tired. Mommy feels a little guilty that she has to let me cry in my swing or bouncy seat, and she didn't do that much with my sister. But her other mommy friends of 2 kids says it is building flexibility in the second born. She hopes so! She wishes she could always pick me right up, but I hope to prove to her in the coming months that I'm a happy baby and can handle it :)
I guess that's all for now. I'll be back soon (especially since mommy's so late on posting this, I'll be 3 months later this week!! YIKES!!!)
She is so precious! I love her little grin.