The first weekend in December, Meemi & Poppee visited & I decided that we would go to a Christmas tree farm to get our tree. At first, it seemed like it might not be worth going about an hour away with two little ones (and it was drizzling rain as we left.....) when The Home Depot is about 10 minutes away......but it was a good little outing for Mackenzie. They had a Santa (not the most realistic looking one) and horses and a play area with a train. And you could buy hot chocolate & cidar. Just more of an overall fun day than simply going to Home Depot. Not to mention the trees looked great since they had not ever been squished onto a trailer to get to the store! And it also stopped drizzling by the time we got there. It was a great day. Our only snafu (well almost snafu) was when Mackenzie almost had a meltdown as we were trying to leave because she wanted to get a pair of sunglasses they had in their little gift area. However, since we were with grandparents, Poppee helped avert a unpleasant situation and bought the glasses for her! Yay for grandparents who like to spoil!!
Sitting with their (unimpressive) Santa. Though she's not smiling, this gave me great hope for not crying at our official mall Santa pic!
Here's how Keelyn spent the afternoon.....sleeping in her car seat (thank goodness!!!!)
Hanging with Meemi
Sporting the almost infamous glasses :)
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