Another fun thing she has started to do is mimic us a lot. She likes to talk on the cell phone, brush her hair, give kisses (complete with the "mwa" sound!), and pretend to eat & drink! She is way more into mimicking than I remember Mackenzie being. One funny story is that Brannon was holding her one night while eating nuts out of can. I look over and she is chewing on something & I'm worried she's picked up a nut that he dropped or something. So I do the finger swoop through her mouth

She's started saying a few words. Of course, just like her sissy, she loves to say da-da. She'd been saying it a while, but over the last few weeks, she is definitely associated it with daddy. He'll come home and she'll repeat it loudly & proudly! She also has started to say 'uh-oh', but pronounces it like her sissy did when she was little....'uh-uh'!

She loves to clap & if she hears you saying 'YAY!!', she'll start clapping her hands with this big grin on her face! And when she stands up on her own, we will start saying "YAY!" for her and she just claps and is so proud of herself! She just started waving too & really enjoys being able to wave and see you wave back at her!
One thing that she continues to excel at (and mommy is very happy about!) is that she is really good at playing by herself. She is so content to play with toys and explore a room on her own. I just love this (since I had not experienced this much with her sister - who requires an audience in much of her playtime! Thank heavens that she is slowly getting a permanent audience in her sister in addition to her mommy!).
These pictures are of our baby girl at 10 months. I will have to get myself in gear and get some 11 month pictures soon since she is very (too) close to turning the big 1......
The pic of her crying is heartbreakingly cute!