A few pictures and a few things I want to record :

- A big week for Keelyn - first steps (though she seems in NO hurry to make this her main mode of transportation!) and now first sign! Last night she signed "more" while eating at her high chair. When she started whining (loudly), I asked, while signing, "More?". I went to get some more cheerios and when I walked back she was making the "more" sign! She did it later for friends who came over! She's also sort of trying to do "All Done!"
- Sleep talker.....Mackenzie appears to be a bit of a sleep talker (this shouldn't surprise me
really, given her love of gab!). The other night, she was sleeping with us while we had grandparents visiting & using her bed. She started crying & I thought she was waking from a bad dream. She then said, "I don't want any meat!!". So, I told her she didn't have to have any meat and then she was quiet. Never opened her eyes! Another night that week while grandparents were here, she started in her room and then we moved her when they were ready to sleep in her bed. When Brannon went to move her, she turned to him and laughed and said "That's SILLY!!!!". Then, nothing. Dead asleep. I heard over the monitor and thought we had an awake child, but Brannon told me she just said that in her sleep!
- Keelyn will now put one (and
only one) pacifier in her mouth. Not so much to soothe, but as a novelty I guess. It just so happens to be our GT paci :) Guess she's a fan. I bought some 'similar' ones hoping to get some use out of them. Nope. Just the GT paci..... Funny kid. But I was happy to get a picture of her with one in her mouth. Something cute about a baby with a paci. Although with Mackenzie, I was always desperate to get a picture of her withOUT one in hers. My how times are different!!
- When Brannon is out of town, sometimes I will sneak in Mackenzie's room and sleep with her so I
can have a warm body to cuddle :) Then other night, she woke up when I got in bed with her. So, I hugged her and told her I loved her. Then, she said "I love you too mommy!". Sweet. Then, she added, "I think Keelyn loves you too!". Double the sweetness! Guess we can't tell for sure since Keelyn can't talk, but she 'thinks' she does! I love it. Such sweetness you get to witness in that sleepy state!
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