Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Uncle Jake!

The Monday before Christmas, Mackenzie & Keelyn's Uncle Jake came for a short visit before he flew out of Atlanta. Mackenzie had a great time being entertained by him - he got to play with playdough, color, & run after her everytime she said "wun wif me!!". I think he might have slept well on the plane after his visit with her! Come back soon Uncle Jake!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Little R & R

Keelyn's most favorite place in the world (other than in someone's arms) is in her bouncy seat. Which is funny b/c Mackenzie really didn't get into the bouncy seat. Different personalities already! I caught this picture of her before we left for Florida - doesn't she look like she's so comfy?!? A little R&R from her rough (HA!) life :)

Making Brownies

Mackenzie & I made some brownies together the week before Christmas. I think the photo speaks more than I can write about how much fun she had (particularly how much fun she had licking the bowl after we were done!).

Seeing Santa

We went to see Santa on the Sunday before Christmas this year & planned to go with our friends so that the little ones could keep each other entertained in line & also so that while the dads (or moms) walked around while we waited, whoever stayed in line could still have someone to talk to. It was a pretty brilliant plan, I think we'll try that one again next year!

The Santa photo turned out pretty funny......I've managed to never have the screaming photo of Santa with my first child. She doesn't smile so much, but doesn't have the horrified screaming/reaching for mommy photo. She usually has a serious sort of concerned look, but stays composed. My second born, decided to start her visits with Santa with a crying photo. Oh well! What is most funny about it is that Santa looks a bit scared himself. I think he is concentrating really hard on not dropping the crying newborn!

Here's some photos of us waiting for our turn with Santa.....

Love this picture of the girls trying to get a glimpse of Santa. Ella was hanging on the gate too, but then turned around and flashed this cute smile :)

Such great little friends!

Holding my littlest girl (ignore the spot of spit up on the side of her mouth!)

Beautiful Matching Sisters

Before our outing to see Santa Claus, I made Brannon snap a few pictures of our little girls in the first (of many) matching dresses! Never knew how much fun it would be to dress up two matching sisters - I know now why my mom has so many photos of my sister & I matching! It was also nice to have Keelyn actually happy at the same time that I wanted the photo & both were all dressed AND Keelyn didn't mind having her sister hold her (She can be rather particular about how she is held and Mackenzie doesn't always fit that mold, HA!). So here they are:

I Give.....

Okay, so having two much work! Not sure when I'll get my blog back up to date (if ever.....). But I'm going to go ahead and try to start off with up to date blogs and go back and fill in as I can - or else I may never get back into it! I really hope I can fill in the missing stuff though, because I have high hopes of printing the blog out one day for a keepsake of these precious fleeting years in my little girls lives :) I feel kind of bad for Keelyn b/c the second kid always gets shortchanged in this department. Mackenzie's first year was painfully & meticulously documented. Keelyn's is vastly behind so far. Oh well. I do what I can! I'm a second born & it didn't scar me, so I'll assume the same for her. So, we'll start with Christmas 2010 and go from there!