I recently turned three months old. And I am finally getting adjusted to this big crazy world :) Mommy says she can't believe it, but she thinks that time is going even faster this time than with my big sister. Some of my recent accomplishments include smiling alot & even showing off my first laughs for everyone (they get a big kick out that!). I've also found my hands, but unlike my sister when she discovered hers, I don't look at them at all, I just try to fit them into my mouth :) I've also started showing signs of trying to roll over from my back to my stomach. This surprised mommy, because she so rarely lays me down (something about me crying when she did that!). But even with just starting to be laid down on my playmat & such, I'm already making lots of efforts in that arena. Speaking of crying when laying down, I'm not such a huge fan of this thing called tummy time. If mommy lets me do it on the boppy, then it's alright for a few minutes, but straight on the ground - no thank you! So, guess what, my mommy rarely makes me do it! She doesn't like to hear me cry!! She says that would've bothered her with her first baby, but with me, she knows I'll roll, crawl, walk, when I am ready so she's not too worried about tummy time everyday! Whew!!! There are benefits to being #2 she tells me :)
I'm still not as good of a sleeper as my big sister, mommy says, but she also says that Mackenzie spoiled them in that area, and really I'm not too bad. I slept in my bouncy seat for the first 2+ months of my life. First in their room, then in my crib in the bouncy seat. But once I got my reflux under control & I started sleeping longer, mommy figured I should start sleeping on my back in the crib right before I turned 3 months old. At first she didn't swaddle me, because I didn't like it early on, but after the first night of being woken up at 1:45, 4:45, and 7:45, she gave the swaddle a try for my second night in the crib. Voila! I slept like 7 hours :) And I've been doing pretty good ever since. Mommy says I'm a sporadic sleeper still. About 2-3 nights of sleeping 8-9 hours & then I'll wake up at 3am for a night, and then back to a few nights of sleeping through the night. Just keeping her on her toes!
I'm turning out to be a little peanut, just like my big sister. (Hate to break it to mommy, but it just might be in the gene pool!). She thought I'd be bigger because I started out a 1/2 lb bigger at birth. But nope. Still little. She even scheduled a 3 month weight check, because between 2 & 4 months, my big sister dropped off the weight charts & she wanted to watch it more closely with me since I'm exclusively breastfed. Well, I'm also dropping. Just 10 lbs, 5 oz at my 3 month appointment, that's just 10% (down from 20% at my 2 month). Now, she's a little worried that she's not making enough milk. But I'm a pretty happy baby, always content after eating, so she thinks maybe I'm just a little peanut. But she's taking some pills, drinking some special tea, and pumping alot more to see if that helps by my 4 month appointment. The

thing is that for Mackenzie, she was easy to supplement because she liked a bottle. Me. I DO.NOT. LIKE. A. BOTTLE! Thank you very much. So supplementing me is going to be a tricky thing. We'll see how this goes. I'm sure mommy will keep you posted!
In other news, it looks like I have some sensitive skin. I had started getting these reddish rashes and dry skin a few weeks ago, so she had the doctor look at that too & it seems I have excema. So, I get to get all lathered up in a baby oil substance twice a day! It seems to be helping :) I also still have pretty dark hair, but mommy still thinks that it will lighten up. When looking back at
Mackenzie's 3 month post, she realized that Mackenzie's hair looked reddish at this point and now she is a little toehead. So, alot can change in a year.
Overall, I am becoming a much easier baby. Mommy says in that way I am very similar to my sister. We were not the easiest newborns, pretty fussy, but once we hit 3-4 months, our whole attitude improves! I'm different than my sister though, because when I am awake, I just LOVE to be held. I may be a bit more of a snuggler :)
Well, that's about it for now. I'll be back in a month :)
Those are the cutest little pictures! She's such a doll.