Keelyn has turned into a really smiley baby lately, which, of course, we all just love! Mackenzie can even get a smile out of her, which makes her feel like the best big sister :) It is just so gratifying to make a baby smile - finally being able to feel like you are connecting with them, so I think that is special to Mackenzie! Anyways, it's not always easy to catch it oncamera..... Here's my attempt from a couple weeks ago.....
Alert.....but not smiling.....
What is mommy doing? I think she's acting silly trying to get me to smile!
Finding her hand......
MMmmmm, my hands are tasty!! What's that, you want me to smile??

No smiles, but I am cute anyways!!!
I am DONE with this photo shoot! PICK ME UP!!!!
LOL, this was funny!