Wow, three posts in a row about Keelyn :) It's usually so hard to outshine that big older sister! But, she's getting to that fun age & I guess easier to get pictures of her if she's happier more often (and not just in my arms!). I finally got the chance to go buy her some of her own bedding for the nursery a few days ago (thanks to some friends who watched the girls while I went shopping!). I had planned to purchase something when I first got home from the hospital (because we didn't know if she was a girl/boy before we had her, I decided to wait instead of going with a green/yellow theme :) ) BUT I got a little busy with life & also couldn't commit to buying something by just looking online, so I went and saw in person & purchased a butterfly themed bedding and her room will be yellow with accents of dark & light pink. FUN! Glad I waited really because I want her room to be girly :)
Here's some pictures of her in her

new bed. I'm glad I took pictures right away because she started squirming around her crib and trying to roll over so I had to take the bumper off almost as soon as I put it on. We'll see it again in about 9 months when the risk of SIDS is gone! Now that I have a bedding picked out, I'm starting to order wall hangings to go with the room & I'm excited to get it finished!
She's enjoying her new bed & also the mobile (which was Mackenzie's) that I hung for her. Isn't she the cutest??!?

I love the bedding! Girl stuff is so adorable!