I turned 4 months old last week, and life is really cruising along. I'm generally much happier these days, but I have definitely developed a STRONG mommy preference. I can be perfectly happy being held by mommy, but hand me off to anyone (including daddy) and I will voice my displeasure quickly and loudly! Mommy says its a little hard on her, between me not taking a bottle AND wanting only mommy to hold me......I'm becoming a little high maintenance (if I wasn't already!). But she is adjusting she says, by using all sorts of baby carrying devices (sling, bjorn, ergo) and you'll see me happily attached to her hip at many points during the day :) She remembers Mackenzie having a strong attachment around this time too.....and it passed after a few months, so she says she'll try to remember to enjoy it because I won't be little for long!
Speaking of preferences, we've discovered that though I like to be held while I am awake.....I don't really love to be rocked to sleep. Mommy originally felt guilty about not rocking me to sleep like she did alot of with my big sissy. So, she just would put me in my swing when it was time to nap so she could keep managing my sister and I would cry but the swing would eventually soothe me to sleep. Now, she's decided to have me nap in my crib because I was looking awfully uncomfortable in my swing because I was trying to roll over in the swing as I slept. So, she wanted to rock me a little to help clue me in that it was naptime, knowing she wouldn't be able to take the time to rock me all the way to sleep, and then lay me down sleepy
(also the pediatrician recommended this so I would learn to soothe myself). WELL, what do you know...... I scream while she rocks me and then when she lays me down I go right to sleep. So, apparently I like to be held when I'm awake and not held when it's time to sleep. Pretty much the opposite of my big sister! HA! Gotta keep that mommy of mine on her toes :)
Speaking of my big sissy, I'm proving to be a bit slower in the rolling department. By this point, my sister had rolled over from tummy to back & back to tummy. Me....not so much! I did have one fluke roll over while swaddled in my velcro swaddle blanket, but with my arms loose, they get in the way & I don't really have the desire to figure all that out quite yet! Probably just a factor of my personality.....I wanna be held - mommy can take care of all movement for me! My sister, I'm told, wanted to be able to move on her own!
In other news, I'm cooing alot lately, making gurgling sounds, smiling & laughing, and enjoy reaching for my toys. Mommy says it's fun to see all these things again & to watch me start to interact with everyone especially my big sister. Sometimes I even laugh at Mackenzie, which makes her so happy! I can tell we are going to be such good friends. Mommy says she can already tell that Mackenzie is SOOO anxious for me to be able to play with her.
I still am not the best sleeper. Mommy says if I can't get it together, a cry it out session may be in my future....but I'm pretty convinced she's bluffing! My most typical night is to bed at 9ish, wake up at 11ish for a top off feeding, let mommy sleep for about 5-5 1/2 hours, wake up around 5ish, eat, back to sleep til 7ish. Mommy hopes for better sleeping soon, but is managing on this schedule for now..... It's working well for me, not sure what Mommy's problem with that schedule is?!?? Oh, and I pretty much can't stand eating that cereal stuff off of a spoon, so we've got a while before that cereal is in me and helping me sleep longer :p
Well, I guess that's about all I've got for now. See you guys in about a month.....
During the photo shoot, I was checking out my dog, Skylar.

Then Skylar decided to check me out & give me a kiss on the nose!

All the pics were awesome but the last one is priceless!
ReplyDeleteBut I have to say I envy even your bad night. AB hasn't slept more than 4 hours yet.