As I mentioned earlier, the weekend that Meemi & Poppee came was absolutely beautiful. When we got home from the zoo, we hung out with the doors open & played outside. Keelyn was on her mat playing with her toys - which she's really into these days. She studies them so intently. She seems so much more into toys than I remember Mackenzie being. I think Mackenzie just liked to roll around! No time to stare at toys! Keelyn is quite different. She looks at the toys & has little interest in rolling. BUT that weekend (at 4 1/2 months) she had her first non-spontaneous roll (she'd flipped in her crib a couple times) and Poppee was the only witness as we were all outside doing sidewalk chalk with Mackenzie! He yelled for me as she was trying to get over, but I just missed it. Then, I watched for a
long time, and no second roll! Oh well :P She now rolls over from time to time in her crib, a lot of times at 4:30am and then cries & can't go back to sleep (so that's fun). So, I guess she can roll, but most of the time, doesn't care to do it. She is so different from Mackenzie...... Check out this
post on Mackenzie at this age, or even actually a little younger :)
Anyways, here's a few shots of Keelyn as I waited for her to roll & captured her studying & playing with her toys:
So happy on her play mat
Notice the look of concern when her sister lays next to her! Mackenzie can be a little wild around Keelyn & she's not sure what to think of it :)
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