Here's how it happened.... After so much success with giving up her paci after letting her pick out a princess doll at the toy store, I thought we'd try the same thing with going #2 on the potty (she was basically already trained for #1, we just had to get past doing #2). I gave it a few weeks in between, to give her time to be excited again over picking out a new toy. We went to the toy store and walked down the princess aisle. Which was funny in & of itself....she just couldn't decide on just one! "I want this one, no I want this one, how 'bout this one??".....so we put a bunch in the cart and then compared them. Even then she couldn't decide between a bigger princess doll or a cash register with princesses on it, or a little set of miniture princesses & a wand. Well, I determined that the register & mini princesses/wand were the same price as the big doll, so I steered her in that direction to get both because I had a plan for having two toys.....
We rode all the way home with her holding the toys in her lap, and me reminding her that she had to do her business to get the toys.
*Note: I'm opting to not include pictures of her on the potty.....I'm sure she'll appreciate that one day!! Although it was tempting because she looks so cute sitting up there, so little on a big potty, playing with her cash register. But that will be something I'll have in my mind to cherish as a little mommy memory!
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