Tuesday, November 30, 2010

1 Month Check up

Wow. Keelyn was one month old yesterday. It has FLOWN by. Funny how each exhausting minute seems like an eternity, but then all of a sudden a month is gone. Life is crazy like that. I told Brannon that it is the ultimate irony in life that we anxiously await for this newborn/terrible two phase to get better/more manageable, but then when it's passed we miss it.

Anywhoo, due to turning 1 month yesterday, Keelyn went for her 1 month check up today. Dr said she was looking great & getting chubby :) She has continued to gain weight very well since her last weight check - continuing to gain an ounce a day. So, here's her stats:

  • Weight - 8 lbs, 10 oz (40%)
  • Height - 21 inches (70% WOW for our short family.....)
  • Head was 35% but never remember this measurement
I got home and promptly (well, after getting one down for a nap, feeding one, feeding myself.....) checked out Mackenzie's 1 month stats. She was 8 lbs, 4 oz (25%) & 21 1/4 inches. So, they are fairly similar. Keelyn started 8 oz bigger, so she's staying a little ahead on that front although they are closing the gap since she is now only 6 oz bigger at the same juncture.

The other weird thing is the height percentiles. We are now going to a different pediatrician since we've moved. Mackenzie's height percentile was given to me from the old pediatrician as
50% for height. Okay, but Keelyn is actually shorter and they said she was 70% for height. Huh? Then, of course I googled an online percentile calculator & the two I tried said that her height is in the 25%. I've heard there are different charts that doctors can use, but these seem WAY different. Who knows..... She is healthy & growing, that's the important thing!

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