Hello Everyone!
I am now 6 months old (well 6 1/2, but mommy says she is just perpetually late on everything these days.....). These pictures were actually on time though - I had just turned 6 months old. I'm getting to be such a big girl. I've started trying to sit up, though I can't balance for

too long quite yet. I'm also moving my knees up under my stomach and pushing off, but my arms can't hold me up, so I just push up and flop to the side. But I'm showing some interest in getting moving!
Mommy says that she is surprised that she is looking forward to me crawling. She originally hoped I'd be slow to doing all of that (mainly because she thinks keeping a house

baby proofed while a two year old is running around seems HARD!!), but thanks to my recent bout of serious separation anxiety where she can't leave a room without me freaking out, she now wishes I could crawl around behind her instead of being constantly attached to her..... What can I say? I know where the good stuff comes from & I'm sticking near to it if I have any control over that!
I've started showing
some interest in eating some solids. And by
some, I mean, mainly sweet potatoes & bananas. I'm not too fond of the other stuff yet. But at least these

are two of the higher calorie foods, which apparently I need because I'm super tiny. The doctor even told mommy to add olive oil to my food! We're hoping for a better weight gain in a month so mommy can relax a little!
I'm slowly letting others besides mommy hold me & feed me & put me to bed. Since I was even having issues with going to daddy, mommy decided that Daddy would do my bath & put me to bed every night that he can to help me realize that other people can do these things too. It's

helping a little. I like Daddy & go to sleep pretty easy, but mommy must be out of sight. When she hands me off to Daddy I still get pretty upset. But once she's gone, I accept my Daddy. I've also started taking some milk from a bottle. I can be left with a babysitter without starving. Mommy & Daddy even got to go on a date this weekend while I was at home with sissy & the sitter. And I was fed & asleep when they got home. I think they're pretty happy about that. Not sure why??
Something else Mommy & Daddy like.....I sleep pretty consistently these days. I go to bed around 8:30 and get up around

6:30-7. I've still been getting my dream feed around 11:30, but the doctor told mommy she should try to give that up before I get too used to it. Apparently, I don't need the calories & it's just a comfort thing.....what's wrong with that?? We'll see how that goes.....
A few other fun things. I like to talk & squeal. Mommy calls me 'Squealin' Keelyn' :) I started saying 'da da da da' a couple weeks ago, but haven't said it much since. And, I love to laugh at my crazy sister. She is such an entertainer & loves the attention I give her too. Though I've noticed she doesn't seem too keen on sharing her toys with me lately.....
I guess that's about all for what's goin' on with me these days. Talk to you soon :)
-Squealin' Keelyn
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