Last week was also our last day of gymnastics for this school year. (We plan to do it again in the fall, though! As well as starting her true love of ballet! She had to be 3 to be in the ballet class that is not mommy & me.....and this mommy could be part of it with another one on my hip! But I digress!). She made good progress in just a couple months - mostly learning how to behave and be patient waiting for her turn! But she also got a lot better at the balance beam and mastered the forward roll (more or less!). So glad we signed her up for these classes that are not too expensive at the community center! Great start to her future athletic endeavors :)
Patiently waiting her turn

Sweet, teething Keelyn, waiting on her sister's class to end and for those top teeth to come in :) That thumb has found its way into her mouth to sooth those top gums these days!

Walking & talking! See my little chatterbox chatting it up with her teacher while walking!

The mini-trampoline was one of her favorite things to do (and where we had to make sure she was willing letting others have their turns, HA!)

Look at that balance (and we had a little wardrobe change in the middle of class!)

Flyin' high!

Great form on that forward roll!

Posing with her teacher, Ms. Rita & her little class :)
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