I wanted to write down some of my thoughts of you at this fun/crazy/frustrating age that you are at. I think I missed writing you a letter when you turned two (something about moving & having a baby got in the way!) but I want to get some thoughts down before you get too much further past 2 1/2.....
You are so smart. Your language amazes me, and I am often surprised by a new word you throw into a conversation. And you want to be talking ALL. THE. TIME. You say, "talk to me Mom!" when you want to make sure I'm paying attention to you! Never a quiet moment, if you have anything to say about it :) You make friends wherever you go. Though still a bit shy around grown men (fine by me!), around most people now, you will just start up a conversation. Just tonight, you talked to/made friends with about 3 kids. One of those kids looked to be about 8! It's so cute & people are always amazed at how well you talk when I tell them you are just 2 1/2. I think you come by it naturally.....both your grandmothers LOVE to talk :)

Some of your favorite things these days are princesses, ballet, and playing 'Mommy'. You love to wear your tiara (you call it your crown) and hold your wand pretty much all day. Sometimes you insist on wearing them wherever we are going that day! You also love to put on your ballet slippers and perform for me. Other times, you wear your fancy high heels like a princess. You love to have me say 'Don't go Mommy' and then you tell me that you have to run errands and will pick me up from school later! Then, you "go shopping" and come back and get me! I love that you always tell me that you missed me :) This is by far your most favorite pretend scenario!
You love your friends & family. You ask about your grandparents & like to call them on the phone (both real & pretend!) and ask when they are coming to visit. You LOVE to go see your friends and do not like to leave them. I overheard you the other day telling your buddy, Mady Kay, that you wanted her to come to your house (after I had said we were leaving in a few minutes). You just couldn't stand to be apart from her, so you were making plans for her to just come home with you! You love your Aunt Natalie & seem to be enjoying the ability to see her much more frequently these days. You even requested a sleepover

You truly adore your little sister. One of my favorite things you do when I'm feeding or holding Keelyn, is to come over and put your arm around her and say "Keelyn is a precious baby" or "Keelyn is soooo precious!". That is too precious :) I can tell I'm going to have my hands full with you two, though, because you love her dearly, but you do not love her recent interest in your toys. Oh boy!
I have to say, there are so many great things about this age. But I'd be lying if I didn't also admit, that you are giving me a run for my money. It is a struggle daily to get you to obey and especially to do it without a battle. You will do what I ask usually, but I have to get angry or threaten a consequence, and then you will finally do it most of the time. But sometimes, you test me & I have to follow through. Which I do

I can't believe in just a few months, shortly after summer is over, you will be turning three. Three just always seemed so old to me when you were a baby/toddler. At three, I just know you will be turning more & more into a little girl and leaving more & more of your toddlerhood behind. But I know you will keep me entertained along the way & I will love the coming stages just as much or more!
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