Oh well, we made it. She did good on the plane & surprisingly did well for the 2 hour ride in the car (given her dislike of the carseat.....this was going to be her longest stint in the seat & luckily she ended up sleeping the whole time, both ways!). We had fun seeing Meemi, Poppee, & Jake & the rest of the family got to meet her. She was addicted to mommy pretty fiercely, and wouldn't let anyone else hold her, but they at least got to see how cute she is :) Our other snafu included a diaper blowout in the airport on the way home while in the baby carrier on mommy, which I discovered when I took her out to walk through security. The blowout was on her clothes AND on mine since she was right up against me...... We went on through and had a change right afterwards.
But overall a good trip. Here's a few pictures. I didn't take alot over the weekend. Carrying a baby & a camera is just too much sometimes!
Mackenzie got to spend the weekend with Granmommy & Grandaddy. Here's G-mommy with the two girls before we left.
A rare photo with Mommy that we both actually look good in! I think she definitely looks like me :)
Meemi & Keelyn matching in the bright colorful summer clothes :)

With Poppee at brunch at a nice restaurant on the water

Looking at some lobsters in a tank!

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