Here's a recent sister shot. Most days, I think they look nothing alike with a mini-me in Keelyn & a mini-brannon in Mackenzie. But friends tell me they look alike, and I guess here, maybe they do at least favor each other, though not spitting images of each other :) Both beautiful though, for sure!
Keelyn is working on trying to sit up (well, if I force her.....she'd still rather be IN my lap sitting.....) but mostly falls forward or over really fast. This was a semi-successful attempt I managed to snap a picture of!
Mackenzie's been continuing to work on her artistic side, asking to do artwork all. the. time! Here she is working on her watercolors on our back deck in the beautiful spring weather :)
Waking up......someone has definitely turned into a stomach sleeper!
We found a caterpillar that found his way inside one night. Mackenzie was thrilled to let it crawl all over her hands! We video taped it :) We then used her bug catcher from Meemi to hold it overnight and found a cocoon in the morning! Our first science experiment. We waited for a butterfly, but instead one day I found a moth in there..... Sadly, to make a long story short, he died before we let him go..... Oh well. Maybe our next experiment won't actually kill the bug.
Someone is starting to scoot and roll around. No more sitting still......
Mackenzie got to go to the "Build-a-Bear" shop (only we build a bunny since it was almost Easter) with her friends Abigail and Mady Kay
The toothless grin is totally gone.....and now the two bottom teeth are documented on film (or on a memory card, I suppose!)
Okay, I feel a little bit better now. Still got some more posting to be caught up, but this will do for now since it's already after 11..... And we've got Kenzie's end of year party at preschool tomorrow. How is it that another year of preschool is already over??? My big girl keeps getting bigger (and so does my little one....)
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