Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big Girl & Busy Day

Today, we had Mackenzie's 2 year appointment. I cannot believe it has been 2 whole years since our first well visit to our pediatrician. It seems like yesterday......

I had scheduled this way in advance, as you have to do it seems, and did not realize she would be on fall break from school. As luck would have it, we are desperately low on groceries and we had to make a trip to Wal-Mart before our doctor's visit. I just don't like going there these days with her (I generally do long grocery trips while she's at MMO). She's actually really good in the store, but the entrance & exit as we pass the wonderful $.25 rides, she flips out if she can't ride them. Today, I tried to use it to my advantage - if she pottied and stayed dry, then she could ride one. Well, she did just that. So, on the way out, I paid (lost) actually $0.50 for the carousel ride. She freaked out no less when it ended than she would've if we hadn't rode one at all I think. So much for it helping! I did snap a few pictures of a her riding - what else would I do with a minute of watching her go 'round & 'round......

Anywhoo, we made it to the
pediatrician. Mackenzie was very excited to see her doctor. She kept saying "where's MY doctor??". To me, to the nurse, to anyone! When we did see the doctor, I enjoyed hearing all the praise from the doctor about her - "she's quite a chatterbox", "she's very verbal", "she's a smart one". I think these things, but hearing it from a professional makes it less of my personal bias & more real :) She did say with how smart she is, she'll be a tough one! I smiled and said, "I know! It's already started!". Oh well, I'll take my smart/more challenging child any day of the week. It is so fun to already have such a communicative little mini-me (okay, mini-brannon) to hang out with!

She's also growing nicely these days. She was 24 lbs 13 oz, and almost 33 inches tall. That puts her about 25% for both weight and height. She's looking like she might be a bit taller than mommy, probably got those genes from daddy too. Not too tall (that's probably not a possibility in our family) but a little taller than me I suspect. Still has a proportionally big head (65%) but maybe that's because she's such a smarty pants!

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