Friday, March 4, 2011

We've Come Full Circle

Today, I found myself sitting in a seat watching my little girl take her first gymnastics class (kind of like where my mother spent many an hour of her life!). I can't believe that she is this big already! We spent the morning watching a little DVR of a collegiate gynmastics meet to get her pumped up for her first class. It's just a little class at a local community center, but the price is just right for our needs :) She's been so into ballet, but the ballet class was a 'mommy & me', and this mommy doesn't want to have to be involved to that level with a baby strapped on me. And the gymnastics class was a mommy gets to sit and watch class. Perfect! Can't wait to watch her in the upcoming weeks! It is too stinkin' cute to see her in a leotard walking across a balance beam! Don't cha think???

And a few pictures as well..... She is going to class with none other than one of her best buds, Mady Kay. We got them to pose before class started - they love each other so much!

They sat right next to each other.....I mean RIGHT next to each other when class first started!

Mackenzie, ready for her dismount!

MK on the trampoline

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