Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's Gone

That's right folks.....the paci is a thing of the past at the McKay household. Since my newborn won't take it & my 2 year old just gave it up like it was no big thing, they are no longer needed at our house! I'm still amazed at how easily Mackenzie gave it up, though..... Here's how it went down:

Brannon was getting anxious to get Mackenzie to give it up. (Me - I was fine with it b/c I was too scared of having a second child not sleeping through the night!). BUT - I knew it was probably time & was a little worried that Brannon would just take it from her one night and that would not have been pretty.

So, I decided to go to Toys R Us last Friday and get her a new "lovey" that she could pick out to give her something else to comfort her at night. So, she picked out a little stuff winnie the pooh attached to a little blanket. Perfect. Then, I thought, as we were passing the princess aisle, that maybe I would also let her pick out a toy to have if she gave up her paci. So, we walked down the aisle & she was in heaven. Finally settling on a Beauty & the Beast (Belle) doll that has a wand, plays music, and has flowers that bloom on the dress (a bit odd, but she loved it). In fact, she held it in its box all the way home! And when she asked to play with it, I told her it would be hers if she gave up her paci.

I had actually intended on giving her an additional night with her pacis, but by the time bedtime came around, she WANTED her Belle doll. She knew what she had to do & Brannon went up to room with her, opened the Belle doll box, and made the exchange when she threw her pacis in the garbage. She never looked back. She now happily goes to sleep, sleeps through the night & for naps, with her Belle doll & Winnie the Pooh lovey by her side! Wow. Would never have guessed it would have been that easy. She was seriously addicted to her paci. I guess that shows you how much she LOVES her new Belle doll!

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