Wednesday, February 22, 2012


One thing I've learned in parenting.....if you think 'my kid doesn't do that', then they surely will! I had this thought recently as I read a post of a friend on FB about her child climbing out of her crib. I thought to myself, 'Wow. I've managed to not have a crib climber with either child." And sure enough a few days later, I see Keelyn on the monitor trying to lift her leg over the ledge. We've been monitoring her closely and seems she didn't have the strength quite yet and has given up (I'm sure only temporarily!). So, I've got to figure out how to handle this new territory. Her big sister STILL doesn't get herself out of her big girl bed. She wakes up and yells for us to come get her...... These two couldn't be more different!

Here she is displaying her climbing skills in our playroom - climbing into Mackenzie's doll sized high chair!

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