Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Fun Side

Because there is so much difficulty in the two year old years, I hope I manage to also to record the fun side of being two - because there is plenty of that too! Brannon loves to tell Mackenzie stories, particularly at bedtime, though now she asks for them from him all day long whenever he is home! She'll say "tell me a story BOUT....." and list something that she is currently into. As soon as he starts to end his story, she comes right in with "one more story BOUT....." when the last one of the story is told.

Anyways, today in the car she said "Mommy, I wanna tell you a story BOUT....." then she mumbled something - she'll use random syllables & sort of mumble when she doesn't know what she wants to say. I guess she knew she wanted to tell me a story but didn't know what it should be about. So I said, "okay, tell me your story". And then she said "Once upon a time.....I BURPED". I asked is that it & she laughed & said yes. I replied with "Good story!" and a laugh!

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